I purchased a Groupon for 2 months unlimited Bikram Yoga recently and finally put it to good use. I started my first class and survived it. I managed to finish the whole 90-minute class with not too much trouble. I felt great the whole day after class. Let's see how I feel the next day.
We wanted to check if Ethan's peanut allergy has decreased this year, so we took him to get his blood drawn. I also added the rest of the treenuts, just to know. Ethan was very hesitant and did not want to sit on daddy's lap like last year. But after tricking him with a video game on the phone, he got his blood drawn. He was a trooper as two and half vials of blood were drawn. Yikes! Now, we wait for the results.
Ethan got a Live Butterfly Garden for his Birthday this year and we have been watching the caterpillars grow bigger everyday. It started out as a larval stage and then the caterpillars enter the pupal stage as they crawl to the top of the cup and hang upside down. Then they will curl up and harden into beautiful iridescent chrysalids. This is where we're at right now...in 7 to 10 days, we should see butterlies! How cool is that?
Ethan and Hayley went to get their well child checkups together. I thought both would get shots and it turned out that Hayley was all up-to-date and didn't need any shots, but Ethan needed 4 shots. Ouch! But he was a trooper and did not even cry. But when we got home, he was in a lot of pain and wanted to be pampered, so he got a lollipop, chocolate milk and was treated like a prince. Both kids are healthy and here are the stats:Hayley - 2 years old, weighed in at 23.4 lbs (10%) and measured 33.75 inches (50%); Ethan - 4 years old, weighed in at 35 lbs (50%) and measured 40.5 inches (50%). My babies are growing up fast!
Hayley turned 2 today and we celebrated with a little cupcake for my little cupcake. She has definitely grown to become more and more independent. She can eat quite well on her own without being too messy, she puts her toys away when she is done (mostly), she tries to put on her socks and shoes, she knows ABCs, numbers from 1 to 10 in both Chinese and English, shapes, some colors and can say many more words than Ethan could at the same age. She loves to sing and dance and can sing any songs and can dance to any songs. I look forward to a great year with lots of exciting new things for her.